Trinity Episcopal Church of Rutland, VT

Joy is a keystone of our worship. We gather to honor God and grow in faith through traditions that are both ancient and modern. We feature and an outstanding and award-winning music program, lively sermons and tremendous fellowship. We invite newcomers to participate in worship as much (or as little) as they like. If you have any questions following worship, contact Mother Sarah (
If you are unable to attend worship in person, please join us through our livestream on our Facebook public group page called Trinity Episcopal Church Rutland VT.

You can listen to sermons or recorded live streamed services by clicking the button below.
Worship Schedule
We meet for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the church.
Those seeking options for daily prayer may join The Green Mountain Online Abbey.
Check out this week's bulletin! Missed a service?
Click the button below for Weekly Bulletin links
Then check out the readings we delved into this week!
Our Choir
Trinity Church is lucky to have a dedicated core of singers ready to serve with their voices to enrich our worship. The choir is ably led by our talented organist and music director, John Riddle. Our choir, while small in size, is strong in spirit and talent and sings a large and varied repertoire including hymns and anthems. Our choir sings regularly during Sunday worship from September through Trinity Sunday and typically takes summers off.
Historically, our choir has also participated in area performances and Evensongs combined with other church choirs. Times and circumstances have this capable group "learning new tricks" as virtual worship means developing "virtual choir" events. Life may change, but music lives on!